Admissions and referrals

The below steps outline the process undertaken by Selwyn Hall School when receiving a referral from the Local Authority. All referrals to Selwyn Hall School are managed by an admissions team including the Headteacher and Office Manager.

Enquiries and consultations should be sent to

Exterior view of Selwyn Hall School and surrounding trees

Stage 1: Initial consultation

(following consultation from the LA)

The team will review any consultation received from the Local Authority - normally consisting of an anonymised EHCP.

If the team believe Selwyn Hall School have the potential to offer school placement then a request to complete a placement suitability assessment will be made to the Local Authority.

If the team do not believe Selwyn Hall School is suitable then a clear rationale shall be communicated with the Local Authority.

 Stage 1 to be completed within 3 working days of initial consultation (during term time)

Stage 2: Assessment:

(following assessment approval from the LA)

The assessment will take place in the most thorough and appropriate way for each individual  child and their family. The family should be communicated with throughout to make sure they are kept up to date with what is being discussed and considered.

Selwyn Hall assessment staff to view documentation and make arrangements. Assessments may include (in discussion with child, parents/carers and LA):

  • A visit to Selwyn Hall School (for parents/carers and child if appropriate)
  • A visit to the existing home/provision/school/residence
  • A request for further paperwork and/or information
  • Reviewing any further paperwork received
  • Assessment must include meeting/contacting the child and a professional who has worked with them previously

Assessment lead to write up an assessment report and determine recommendations - can Selwyn Hall School offer a placement?

  • No – why not?
  • Yes – what provision needs to be in place and when could it start?

Assessment lead to inform parents/carer and LA of recommendations and wait for LA decision on placement offer

Stage 2 to be completed within 10 school days of approval unless discussed otherwise

Assessments may also take place without LA approval but in agreement with parents/carers if part of an appeal process – the Local Authority should be informed if this is the case.

View of Selwyn Hall School entrance

Stage 3: Preparation for placement

(following confirmation of placement from LA)

Assessment lead should inform parents/carers of LA decision on placement and introduce the new class teacher

A bespoke transition package will be arranged in agreement with parents/carers and begin as soon as appropriate

Stage 3 should take place over a minimum of 2 weeks before the full time provision can begin.  Start dates will vary dependent on term times, individual cases and Selwyn Hall School capacity.

*The above process can be slightly different dependent on the actions of the individual Local Authority.

Parent/Carer enquiries

Parents or carers are welcome to enquire about provision at Selwyn Hall School at any time during the academic year using the contact form here or by emailing Please note that there may be a delay in response during the school holidays.

Before any visit to Selwyn Hall School is arranged parents/carers will be asked to share a copy of the child’s EHCP or another appropriate document (school advice, EP report) in order to assess potential for suitability and the appropriateness of a school visit.